Why Did We Start This Service

Why Did We Start This Service

When I was asked, based on my substantial experience as an attorney and businessperson, to be the trustee and executor of my mother’s estate, I accepted willingly. Upon her passing, I was struck by the levels of complexity, lack of accurate information, lengthy phone calls with individuals (representing banks, brokers etc.) who were not well informed or well-trained. Despite my background which should have made the process pretty easy, it was frustrating, highly complex, and extremely challenging to get the answers that I needed in order to settle her estate.

It occurred to me in the process, that if serving as a Trustee and an Executor was challenging for someone like me to navigate, what must it be like for someone who has no legal or business background? Someone who doesn’t know enough to formulate appropriate questions or wade through forms drafted by lawyers? Then, what happens if you add family conflicts into the mix, which often happens when money is at stake or strong emotions come into play?

Therefore, I launched Peace of Mind, PLLC. The last thing that a family needs who is grieving the loss of a loved one is to deal with uncertainty, difficulty, conflict, or frustration. The loved one wants peace of mind before they pass and does not want to be a burden to their family when they pass. The family needs Peace of Mind as they grieve, not adding more grief with settling an estate.

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